Syntax10.Scn.Fnt ParcElems Alloc Compiler - the Amiga-Oberon compiler Compiler.Compile ^ Oberon2.Report.Text Compiler.Compile * [\options] OberonReport.Text Compiler.Compile {path [\options]} ~ ModToOberon.Text The following options may be combined freely: option meaning ----------------------------------- s allow generation of new Symbol file f Find selected trap position r Range checking on x indeX checking off t Type guard checking off p Pointer initialization off a Assertion evaluation off Note that "\" is used as an option indicator in Amiga-Oberon in order to allow "/" in path names. The compiler generates output in the current working directory even if the source is taken from another directory. Examples: Compiler.Compile * compile the star marked text Compiler.Compile *\sx compile the star marked text, allow new symbol files, and turn index checks off. Compiler.Compile *\xf compile the star marked text, turn off index checks, and find the textual position of the selected program counter. This option is useful for finding trap positions in case of a runtime exception. The system generated trap viewer contains the relative pc of each interrupted procedure. Compiler.Compile hello.Mod\s ~ compile the text file hello.Mod and allow a new symbol file. "~" is used to terminate the path name list. Compiler.Compile ^ take the most recent text selection as arguments. SortDemo.Mod a sample program to experiment with compiling and loading of modules OberonErrors.Text shows the list of Oberon compiler and runtime error messages. Disassembler.Disassemble file The Amiga-Oberon object file decoder